Please note this agenda is a draft and subject to change.
Sunday, August 11
NCJA Advisory Council Meeting
9:00 AM-3:00 PM
The NCJA Advisory Council is composed of the State Administering Agency (SAA) Director from each member state and 12 elected regional representatives. Advisory Council members meet to conduct association business, network with each other and engage in discussions with their peers about issues, challenges and policy.
Advisory Council members please register for this meeting here. Please note: Members must register for both the Advisory Council meeting and the Forum separately.
Grant Writing Crash Course
1:00-4:00 PM
Please note: This session requires a separate registration. Register Here.
Are you a practitioner who is looking for federal grant funding to address a public safety need in your community? Are you interested in learning where to locate and pursue federal grant funding and how to submit an application that gives you the best chance to win an award? During this Grant Writing Crash Course, we will get right to the point and provide you with the essential elements to complete the application process including useful tips and tools for writing a winning proposal. You will leave this session with your own outline and resources to submit a successful application.
NOTE: This session will highlight the award-winning gems from our previous online and in-person grant writing trainings and get you energized to receive your first or next federal award!
Whether you are a new or an experienced grant writer, you will be happy you joined us!
The presenter for this training is Valarie Tickle, associate deputy director and grant coordinator for the Delaware Criminal Justice Council. She is a subject matter expert on criminal justice grant writing and has submitted numerous successful competitive grant applications over 26 years, totaling almost $20M to address needs in her state.
The moderator for the training is Tammy Woodhams, NCJA’s director of programs and grants training. Like many of you, she started as an “accidental” grant writer over 30 years ago when she saw an opportunity to bring in resources for her community. She has since written, won and managed numerous federal awards.
NCJA Board of Directors Meeting
3:00-4:00 PM
RSAT Meet and Greet
7:00-8:00 PM
Evening Meet & Greet for RSAT grant administrators and program leadership attending the forum to connect with RSAT TTA staff.
Monday August 12
Registration Desk Open
8:30-10:00 AM
Exhibit Area Open
7:30 AM-6:30 PM
Welcome/Opening Keynote: Taking Stock: Reflections on 50 Years of Crime and Punishment in America
8:30-10:00 AM
Jeremy Travis, former President of John Jay College of Criminal Justice will provide the Opening Keynote to kick off NCJA’s 50th anniversary celebration. He will provide an overview of how the criminal justice system has evolved over the last 50 years and where we may be headed.
Washington Metropolitan Police Department Honor Guard
Jennifer Porter, Executive Director, DC Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants
NCJA President
Brent Cohen, Acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Office of Justice Programs
Chris Asplen, Executive Director, National Criminal Justice Association
Opening Keynote:
Jeremy Travis, Senior Fellow, Columbia Justice Lab
10:00-10:15 AM
Morning Plenary Session: Multijurisdictional Crime Solutions to Prevent Crime and Victimization
10:15-11:30 AM
This plenary keynote session will bring together senior officials from the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia to discuss issues facing the greater metropolitan area, trends in crime and incarceration and the promising approaches and strategies the three jurisdictions are using to prevent crime and victimization, prevent unnecessary incarceration, treat behavioral health needs, reduce recidivism and provide employment opportunity, mental health treatment and affordable housing for those at-risk of justice system involvement.
Introduction by Deloitte
Moderator: Karhlton Moore, Director, Bureau of Justice Assistance
Lindsey Appiah, Deputy Mayor for Public Safety and Justice, Washington, DC
Aisha Braveboy, State’s Attorney for Prince George’s County, MD
Chief Andy Penn, Arlington County, VA Police Department
11:30-11:45 AM
Lunch: It Can’t Happen Here
11:45 AM-12:45 PM
With unsettling regularity, entire communities across the country are forced to deal with mass shootings and their devastating impact. Leveraging the process and findings of the Independent Commission to Investigate the Facts of the Tragedy in Lewiston, through its Executive Director Anne Jordan and others involved in responding to the shooting, this special lunch panel will examine the trauma experienced by the entire spectrum of “community” itself and how to help those communities heal – including the trauma experienced by first responders.
Moderator: Katherine Darke Schmitt, Principal Deputy Director, Office for Victims of Crime
Cara Cookson, Director of Victim Services, Office of the Attorney General of Maine
Anne Jordan, Executive Director, Independent Commission to Investigate the Facts of the Tragedy in Lewiston
Dr. Angela Moreland-Johnson, National Mass Violence Victim Research Center
Jayne O’Donnell, former Reporter, USA Today and Director of the Youthcast Media Group
12:45-1:00 PM
Implementing Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) in Jail-based Corrections
1:00-2:00 PM
The risk of overdose from opioid use is significantly higher for incarcerated individuals reentering society than it is for non-criminal justice involved persons. Key factors contributing to overdose include limited access to MOUD during incarceration and limited access to treatment upon reintegration. In Massachusetts, the legislature mandated county jails establish medication-assisted treatment programs offering all three forms of MOUD. These jails provided treatment options in various ways, some opting to become licensed opioid treatment programs (OTPs) while others outsourced treatment options to community-based health centers. This session will showcase two differing approaches to implementing MOUD programming and offer a panel discussion amongst key staff about the challenges and successes of their respective programs.
Moderator: Pamela O’Sullivan, Senior Director of Public Affairs, Advocates for Human Potential/RSAT-TTA
Danielle Mimitz, LMHC, Clinical Manager, Hampden County Sheriff’s Department (MA), Hampshire County Sheriff’s Office (MA)
Keisha Williams, RN, MSN, BS, CCHP, Director of Nursing/Responsible Health Authority, Hampden County Sheriff’s Office
Building a State-level Community Violence Intervention (CVI) Support Framework
1:00-2:00 PM
As more states devote resources to Community Violence Intervention (CVI) programs, the need to develop state-level support systems grows. This panel will identify common challenges for communities and organizations seeking to establish CVI strategies. It will provide a structured framework for states to ensure opportunities for sustainable, long-term CVI efforts in communities most impacted by violence. States funding CVI approaches will highlight the essential elements core to CVI, which distinguish it from other state-funded safety strategies, lessons learned in funding this work, and how they see CVI approaches evolving.
Session Objectives:
Define CVI, its structure, goals, and key partners.
Identify the roles of key stakeholders in successful CVI efforts.
Describe potential challenges to state level coordination and support.
Understand how researchers and training and technical assistance providers can support CVI planning and implementation.
Moderator: Eddie Bocanegra, Senior Advisor, Office of Justice Programs
Speakers: ​
Damon Bacote, LMSW, Deputy Commissioner, Office of Youth Justice - New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services
Colleen Curtin, Deputy Director, Corrections Planning & Grant Programs Division, CA Board of State and Community Corrections
James Stark, Senior Program Officer, Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC)
Violent Crime Reduction Strategies for Rural Law Enforcement Agencies
1:00-2:00 PM
Violent crime continues to be a challenge in many small and rural communities. Community-based resources are often scarce and, when available, only at a significant distance. As a result, law enforcement agencies acting alone may experience challenges to successfully address violent crime in their community. What partnerships and resources are most appropriate to address violent crime? How can a small investment result in big returns for your community?
This workshop aims to address:
• Challenges that rural communities face, such as crime trends and barriers to reducing violent crime.
• Strategies to address resource gaps and solutions to enhance community safety in rural areas.
• Innovative ways that different states are implementing to combat these problems.
Attendees will hear from members of the Rural Violent Crime Reduction Initiative (RVCRI) Team about their efforts and experiences with rural criminal justice agencies across the country working to address violent crime challenges in a variety of ways with limited resources. The RVCRI Team will highlight avenues and opportunities to assist agencies with addressing these challenges and provide examples of successful programs and initiatives in rural communities.
Moderator: Matt Perkins, Program Director, Local Initiatives Support Corporation
Brandy Bynum Dawson, Senior Program Director for Rural Prosperity and Investment, MDC, Inc
Ken Clary, Chief, Bellevue, NE Police Department
Samantha Rhinerson, Program Manager, National Policing Institute
2:00-2:15 PM
Peer Support Partnerships: Improving Treatment Engagement and Outcomes in Corrections
2:15-3:15 PM
While peer support services have long been integral to community mental health and substance use treatment, their application in criminal justice settings is now showing significant results. In this workshop, learn how peer support programs are implemented across different jurisdictions, highlighting the unique approaches and common benefits. Attendees will hear about the innovative use of peer support services from representatives of two Departments of Corrections utilizing peers in correctional treatment settings. Panelists will share the positive impact of these model programs including increased trust and communication between incarcerated individuals and correctional staff, improved treatment engagement and retention, and lowered recidivism outcomes. Through their respective DOC’s experience, panelists will showcase the transformative power of peer support in fostering recovery within correctional facilities.
M​oderator: Lynn Miller, M.Ed., Director of WRAP, Advocates for Human Potential
Sandi Brooks, LMAC, Substance Abuse Treatment Provider, Heartland Regional Alcohol & Drug Assessment Center/Topeka Correctional Facility, Kansas Department of Correction
Sherrie Gaudet, MSW, LCSW, LDAC, Correctional Counselor Supervisor, Addiction Treatment Unit, Connecticut Department of Correction
​Benjamin Holloway, RN, LMAC, Director of ReEntry Services, Heartland Regional Alcohol & Drug Assessment Center/Topeka Correctional Facility, Kansas Department of Correction
Erica Rogers, CAC, Correctional Counselor Supervisor, Addiction Treatment Unit, Connecticut Department of Correction
Exploring Different Ways SAAs Issue Subawards
2:15-3:15 PM
This session will explore the processes state agencies use to announce and make subawards. SAAs and grant managers from two different states will share information about who, what, when and how they make subawards. They will share how they have changed their practices to address funding fluctuations as well as reach underserved communities that you may want to adopt.
Jessica Cleveland, Assistant Director, Special Projects, TN Office of Criminal Justice Programs
Samantha Koch, Director of Policy and Planning, Office of Executive Director, Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency
​Ben Weinstein, Senior Program Manager Special Projects, TN Office of Criminal Justice Programs
Youth Violence What is Working and What Isn’t
2:15-3:15 PM
This session will discuss the trends of violent activities concerning youth violence. The workshop aims to address solutions to this issue and identify the best practices to reduce crimes committed by youth. We will also discuss the practices that have not been successful and the reasons behind their failure.
Moderator: Mannone Butler, Head of Programs and Partnerships, National Basketball Social Justice Coalition
Kristy Love, Executive Director, DC Council on Criminal Justice
James (JT) Timpson, Managing Director, Community Violence Initiatives, Roca Impact Institute
3:15-3:45 PM
Subrecipient Monitoring
3:45-4:45 PM
How are you ensuring your subrecipients are using federal funds for authorized purposes, in compliance with Federal statutes and performance goals are achieved? What is expected of subrecipients of federal funds should not be a surprise to them. Learn about some best practices for subrecipient monitoring used by other states.
​Anthony “Nick” Gill, Justice Program Administrator, Grants Management Division, KY Justice and Public Safety Cabinet
Jeremiah Morton, Assistant Director, Programs, TN Office of Criminal Justice Programs
Kristina Vadas, Manager, Victim Services, Division of Programs and Servies, VA Department of Criminal Justice Services
Breaking the Cycle: Exploring the Lethal Nexus of Intimate Partner Violence and Firearms
3:45-4:45 PM
In the U.S., two public health crises intersect, threatening the health, safety, and equality of women: intimate partner violence (IPV) and gun violence. More than half of female homicide victims are killed by a current or former male intimate partner, and 96% of murder-suicide victims are female. Firearms are used in more than 50% of these IPV-related homicides. This session will focus on the intersection of intimate partner violence and firearm lethality.
Opening Remarks: Michelle Garcia, Deputy Director, Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance
Moderator: Linda Phan, Deputy Director of Policy, Communication, and Strategic Engagement of the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW)
Jennifer Becker, Esq., Director, National Center on Gun Violence in Relationships and Project Director, National Resource Center on Domestic Violence and Firearms, Battered Woman’s Justice Project
Gretta Gardner, Chief Legal Officer, Ujima, Inc.
John Goodloe, Chair, Board of Directors, DC Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Practical Strategies for Breaking Down Siloes with Behavioral Health
3:45-4:45 PM
The criminal justice, mental health and addiction treatment systems were not long ago considered separate, wholly unbridgeable structures with their own funding sources, vocabularies and protocols. Today, the bridging of those systems is considered urgent to stopping a needless cycle of incarceration. But how is that done? What are the first steps to take? Come to this workshop to hear from a panel of State Administering Agencies and subject matter experts who will share their strategies, challenges and successes.
Moderator: Shannon Scully, Director, Justice Policy and Initiatives, National Alliance on Mental Illness
Caroline Farmer, Executive Director, North Carolina Department of Public Safety, Governor’s Crime Commission
Andrew LeFevre, Executive Director, Arizona Criminal Justice Commission
Dorothy Lennig, Executive Director, Maryland Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention and Policy
Matthew Lunn, Director, Colorado Department of Public Safety, Division of Criminal Justice
4:45-5:00 PM
Welcome Reception
5:00-6:30 PM
Tuesday, August 13
Registration Desk Open
7:30 AM-4:15 PM
Exhibit Area Open
7:30 AM - 4:15 PM
Deaths in Custody Reporting Act (DCRA) Updates and Q&A
8:00 AM - 8:30 AM
50 Years of Supporting State and Local Criminal Justice: NCJA 50th Anniversary
8:45-9:45 AM
This plenary keynote session will trace the history of the federal-state-local partnership for improving state and local justice systems from President Johnson’s Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice to the establishment of the first State Administering Agency offices, to today’s complex and multi-faceted strategies for making our justice systems more effective and fair. Each of the speakers have played key roles at pivotal times in this important history.
Moderator: Laurie Robinson, Former Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Justice Programs
James Burch, President, National Policing Institute
Sheldon Krantz, Co-Director, Justice Lab, Georgetown University Law Center; Retired Partner in Residence, DLA Piper; Adjunct Professor of Law
Karhlton Moore, Director, Bureau of Justice Assistance
David Steingraber, Former Executive Director, WI Office of Justice Assistance
DCRA Office Hours
9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Sign up for a time to meet with BJA one-on-one to discuss issues and questions related to Deaths in Custody Reporting.
Inside the Beltway
9:45-10:30 AM
Join us for this annual session to learn about the federal budget and appropriations and hear about happenings on Capitol Hill, a wrap-up of recent legislation and our best predictions for the year ahead.
Elizabeth Pyke, Director of Government Affairs, National Criminal Justice Association
10:30-10:45 AM
Language Access What You Need to Know
10:45-11:45 AM
Do you have a Limited English Proficiency plan, and policies and procedures to comply with federal requirements and prohibit discrimination based on race, color, or national origin (Title VI of the Civil Rights Act)? Do you know about DOJ’s Law Enforcement Language Access Initiative to work with Law Enforcement Agencies and other stakeholders to implement practical strategies to overcome language barriers? Attend this session to learn more about LEP requirements for SAAs and subrecipients and resources available to enhance your LEP policies and procedures.
Laureen Laglagaron, Federal Coordination and Compliance Section, Office for Civil Rights, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice
Michael J. Mulé, Deputy Director, Office for Civil Rights, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice
Artificial Intelligence: The Future of Criminal Justice
10:45-11:45 AM
This session will look at artificial intelligence and law enforcement: AI helps move the field forward and potential areas of concern.
Moderator: Jeff Locke, Senior Policy Advisor, Bureau of Justice Assistance
Thaddeus Johnson, Senior Fellow, Council on Criminal Justice
Stephen F. Redfearn, Interim Chief of Police, City of Boulder (CO) Police
Jessica Vesey, Principal, Deloitte
Rehabilitative Technologies in Corrections: Problem, Solution and Roadmap
10:45-11:45 AM
The research is clear. The more people who are incarcerated are able to maintain contact with supportive family and others the less likely they are to recidivate once released. However, promoting in-person contact can be difficult, even telephone contact can be prohibitively expensive depending upon the prison or jail's telecommunication system. In this session, we will describe innovative programs, at the Iowa Department of Corrections and Colorado Department of Corrections, providing free or greatly reduced video calling for people in correctional facilities and the impact on incarcerated persons’ rehabilitation, the correctional institutions and the wider community. 
Moderator: Steve Keller, Senior Research Associate, Advocates for Human Potential/RSAT-TTA
John Needelman, Chief Information Officer, Iowa Department of Corrections
April Feng, Chief Executive Officer, Ameelio, Colorado Department of Corrections
11:45 AM - 12:00 PM
Lunch and Keynote Crime Trends: Are They Up or Down and Why is the Data so Unclear?
12:00-1:15 PM
This lunch session will help participants make sense of recent trends in crime, incarceration and in the trafficking of drugs. COVID and changes in the economy and in policing impacted crime and who experienced it. Many of those indicators are changing again, made more complex by the fact that some of the data conflicts. Hear from experts who can help make sense of the data.
Thomas Abt, Director of the Center for the Study and Practice of Violence Reduction at the University of Maryland and Chair, Violent Crime Working Group, Council on Criminal Justice
Delrice Adams, Executive Director, IL Criminal Justice Information Authority
Ernesto Lopez, Research Specialist, Council on Criminal Justice
John Roman, Senior Fellow and Director, Center on Public Safety and Justice, NORC at the University of Chicago and Chair, Crime Trends Working Group, Council on Criminal Justice
1:15-1:30 PM
Equity in Grants Administration and Public Safety Funding
1:30-2:30 PM
NCJA’s Equity in Public Safety Funding and Budgeting Committee aims to holistically address equity in criminal justice funding and budgeting. Over the past year, this committee has developed guidance to create meaningful relationships between community organizations, historically devalued communities, and funders/decision makers to better determine and leverage access and resources to effectively address public safety and achieve equity in the criminal justice system.
This session features a panel of subject matter experts and committee members who will share their professional experiences in the field of equity, discuss their current work on the committee, and express their hopes for the future of equity in criminal justice funding.
Moderator: Joe Thome, Former SAA, Colorado
Delrice Adams, Executive Director, IL Criminal Justice Information Authority
Rodney Collins, (Ret), Chief Deputy Sheriff, Mecklenburg County (NC)
Kevin Reese, Co-Founder, Until We Are Free
Designing Safe and Secure Communities: Implementing Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)
1:30-2:30 PM
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) is a strategy that aims to prevent crime by taking into consideration how the physical environment, such as buildings or public spaces, can be designed to minimize opportunities for crime. This session will provide information, resources, and tools for states interested in implementing CPTED, including lessons learned in funding this work and the latest updates in the field.
Moderator: Elizabeth Griffith, Associate Deputy Director, Bureau of Justice Assistance
Daisy Heartberg, Director of Public Safety, Greater Baybrook Alliance (Baltimore)
Mark Manning, Chief Counsel, Quality of Life Division, City of Cincinnati (OH)
Matt Perkins, Program Director, Business Development, LISC
Combating Hate Crimes Where We Learn and Worship: Understanding hate crimes and how technology can keep houses of worship and schools safe
1:30-2:30 PM
The historic rise of hate crimes in the US had led to unprecedented attacks on houses of worship, schools and on college campuses. New technologies, including systems which incorporate AI, are proving to be valuable tools in preventing mass casualty events. This panel will discuss how these technologies are combating hate motivated attacks.
Moderator: The Honorable Patrick J. Murphy, Former Congressman and Under Secretary of the Army
Matias Klein, President and CEO, Kognition
Brittany Mason, Director of FedCiv Research and Analysis, Babel Street
Joe Popcun, Executive Deputy Commissioner, NY State Division of Criminal Justice Services
2:30-3:00 PM
Measuring Efficacy of Programs
3:00-4:00 PM
How do you know if the programs you fund are working? What are some of the ways you can determine or measure efficacy of programs, in particular, Evidence Based Practices? Attend this session to learn more about some tools and resources that can help you make those determinations. Additionally, you will also learn about iMPRoVE (Measures for Providers Responding to Victimization Experiences) a free survey tool designed to help victim service providers measure survivor perceptions of service outcomes and the quality of services.
Susan Howley, Project Director, Center for Victim Research, Justice Information Resource Network
​Constance Kostelac, PhD, Assistant Professor, Division of Epidemiology and Social Sciences, Institute for Health and Equity, Director, Division of Data Analytics and Informatics Comprehensive Injury Center, Medical College of Wisconsin
Lynn Langton, Director of the Victimization and Response Program, RTI International
Office for Victims of Crime, Human Trafficking Division: Overview of Services, Support and Trends
3:00-4:00 PM
Office for Victims of Crime, Human Trafficking Division: Services, Trends, Funding, and A Statewide Approach: OVC’s Human Trafficking Division funds jurisdictions to increase their capacity to identify, assist, and provide services to all victims of human trafficking and leads the Nation in supporting victim-centered and trauma-informed programs, policies, and resources that promote justice, access, and empowerment. This session will provide an overview of the services, support, training and technical assistance, trends, and community outreach available to improve the response to human trafficking. This session will also include a speaker from the OVC Improving Outcomes for Child and Youth Victims of Human Trafficking program to share promising practices and lessons learned from their efforts to improve statewide coordination and systems collaboration.
Natalia Aguirre, Office for Victims of Crime
Alissa Huntoon, Office for Victims of Crime
Amelia Rubenstein, Director of the Prevention of Adolescent Risks Initiative (PARI), University of Maryland School of Social Work
Jail and Prison Substance Use Disorder and Suicide
3:00-4:00 PM
Suicides constitute the highest category of non-"natural" deaths in jails at 29.9% in 2019, the last year data was released by the federal Bureau of Justice Statistics. While a lower percent of persons in prison than jails die from suicides (8.1%), that number is increasing. From 2001 to 2019, the number of suicides increased 85% in state prisons. Suicides also increased 13% in jails over this period. Experts advise that there are no validated correctional suicide risk assessment instruments that accurately identify all persons at risk for suicide. In this session, we will reveal the major gap in most prison and jail suicide prevention programs, namely the failure to understand the role of substance use disorder in suicides. Withdrawal from opioids and other substances and the lack of substance use disorder treatment are both drivers of correctional suicides. In addition, research confirms that a significant proportion of overdose deaths in prisons and jails officially designated as “accidental deaths” are intentional. This suggests that suicides are underassessed in the nation’s jails and prisons. The workshop will reveal how prison and jail suicides can be substantially reduced through withdrawal management in jails and substance use disorder medication and treatment that conform to contemporary standards of care.
Moderator: Lisa Lundrigan, MA, Senior Justice Associate, Advocates for Human Potential/RSAT-TTA
Dr. Andrew Klein, Ph.D., Senior Justice Scientist, Advocates for Human Potential
4:00-4:15 PM
Closing Keynote with ONCDP Director Rahul Gupta
4:15-5:30 PM
Dr. Rahul Gupta will speak about trends in drug trafficking and public health efforts to address the addiction crisis, including the Biden Administration’s whole-of-government approach in supporting states, local governments, and community-based organizations to interdict drugs and make quality, affordable treatment available to all who need it.
​Dr. Rahul Gupta, Director, Office of National Drug Control Policy
Wednesday, August 14
BJA and RSAT TTA Annual Meeting
9:15-10:15 AM
BJA will present grant announcements and program updates. RSAT TTA will share recently published curricula and toolkits, program successes and future training opportunities. The team will also highlight the Promising Practices Guidelines (PPGs) and the Fidelity Assessment process to assess Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) program adherence to these guidelines.
Following the meeting there will be an open networking session for grant administrators and program leadership amongst themselves and with BJA and RSAT TTA staff.
Grants Management Training Day
8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Please note: This session requires a separate registration. Register now.
This training is designed for new and experienced grant managers who administer federal grant programs, including the Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (Byrne JAG) and the Residential Substance Abuse Treatment for State Prisoners (RSAT) programs.
The agenda is expected to include presentations from the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) Leadership Team, Office of Chief Financial Officer, DOJ Office of Civil Rights, regarding federal priorities, Byrne State Crisis Intervention Program implementation updates, top monitoring findings and getting ahead of them, changes to the 2 CFR 200 and the Federal Financial Guide. This training will also provide plenty of time for networking with your peers and feature best practices in states around subrecipient monitoring, grant reviewer selection and training, equity in grant making, preparing for audits, and financial management, using artificial intelligence to assist grants management practices as well as important policies and procedures.
This is your chance to spend time and network with your peers across the country and get your grant administration questions answered. As a bonus, participants who attend both the grant administration track at the forum and grant management training day will receive a certification of completion.